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[2015]금연교육 안내

2022-05-03 14:09

금연교육 안내

흡연이 평균 수명을 6~7년 단축시키고 건강에 큰 해를 준다는 사실은 누구나 알고 있으나, 주변 사람들에게도 직접 간접으로 많은 피해를 준다는 사실은 간과하기가 쉽습니다. 이에, POSTECH 구성원들이 흡연으로 인한 피해와 손실을 인지하도록 돕고 금연을 통해 건강한 캠퍼스를 조성하고자 금연교육을 실시하오니 많은 참여 바랍니다.

일시: 2015. 3. 4(수) 15:30~16:30

장소: 공학2관 107

대상자: 흡연의 폐해를 알고 싶어하는 교내 구성원 누구나

내용: 흡연예방

강사: 박재현 (남구 보건소 공중보건의)

문의: 보건실 279-2620

※직원 교육 시간에 반영됩니다.

2015. 2. 23

총 무 안 전 팀 장

Anti-Smoking Seminar to Be Held It is widely known that smoking has detrimental effect on health and shortens life expectancy by 6 to 7 years on average; yet, it is easy to overlook the fact that smoking also causes significant damage to others in both direct and indirect ways. To help POSTECHians be aware of the damage and losses caused by smoking and create a smoking-free campus, we would like to hold an anti-smoking seminar. Your participation would be much appreciated.

-Date &Time: Wednesday, March 4, 2015. 3:30-4:30 pm.

-Venue: Room #107, Science Building II

-Target Audience: Any POSTECH member who is interested in learning about harmful effects of smoking

-Seminar contents: Prevention of Smoking

-Lecturer: Dr. Jae-hyeon Park (a public health doctor from Pohang Namgu Public Health Center)

-For inquiries, please contact POSTECH Health Service Center at 279-2620.

※Note: Staff attendance will count toward the required training hours. Feburuary 23, 2015 Director of General Affairs & Safety

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